Saturday, 16 January 2010

Keyboard Courage

It's great saying that behind your Laptop. 
I rate you highly if you plucked up the courage and 
said something you wouldn't say face to face 
 because you felt more comfortable behind the computer 
ended up with your husband or wife ....
The problem occurs when online arguments get out of hand ... 
phrases start to arise from the surface of the
''Keyboard Courage'' syndrome.

Such as

''Watch when I see you !!''
My boyfriend/brother/cousin is gonna mash you up. 
or my personal favorite

''You best hope I don't catch you pon road !''

That last one is highly ghetto, 
yet extremely effective on the easily intimidated.

The truth is no action is ever taken,
simply because they are Courageous Keyboard users.

All 'caps lock' and no confidence.
Still Aspiring

1 comment:

Jaid Edwards said...

Haaaa This is So Trueeee :))