Sunday, 17 January 2010

Cross Dressing PoPo

The TOY aisle is usually my favorite section of most shops.
I'm like a 'big umphh'
you know, a large child.
 But to my surprise this is what I found 
(technically my mother found it first) .. 
shock horror ..

I understand Tampon must mean something in some other language ..
Something different to the way it is commonly used in the western world ..
C'mon .

Even if these were just innocent transliterations ..
how do you explain this next one ??


What has this world come to where grannies and grandpas are 
purchasing crossdressing dolls for their grandbabies ????
First of all, he has on tightywighty undies, 
and policemen are usually FAT..

Second of all, there is a seventies theme going on here with the womens clothes ...
Thirdly, if you turn that afro upside down ..
where do you think a little ignorant child may stick that badboy ?

Or maybe thats just me and my slightly rude yet strange humour. 
Still Aspiring

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