Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Utter Hype


 Industry Hater is a phenomenon that has been insulting celebrities 
from the UK music scene anonymously via twitter.
This guy (or girl for all we know)
has been trashing everyone from @CraigDavid to @FunkyDee .. 
Parring them off differently, with so much intellect that I can't help but stare and my BlackBerry in public and cry with laughter at some of the things he says.
Now even though I don't support internet bullying, Industry Hater is quite entertaining to follow.
At the same time we have to realize that the guy is the biggest coward going,
cause nobody knows who he actually is ...
He's not a coward like Banksy, staying anonymous because of his political artwork and vandalising that the British government hate yet love because the guy makes dirty walls worth millions.
Nope, Industry hater creates HYPE.. 
 But lets face it, the 1,641 people following him don't care.

On the note of hype. 

The festive season is upon us and the toy adverts are absolutely everywhere.
Utterly pointless action-figures that do absolutely NOTHING, yet they're called ACTION-figures.
ERM... ok. 

My followers on twitter ( @AspiringGenius ) have heard me going on about this for days..
 So, this December I've decided to buy my little brother this special 
toy I've created from a figment of my imagination called
 *wait for it*
The Brick
(I told you I don't think normally)

so the brick is a Non-Action Figure, that can be anything you want..
Throw it, catch it, Kick it, Stand on it, Smell it, Lick it 
(the things kids do these days)

The possibilities are endless, and if I see anyone on Dragons Den pitching 
this idea I'll use my brothers niffty brick to injure them in a fun way.

Everyone knows that kids play with the cardboard box and 
packaging more that the actual toys they're given.

I just don't see the point of spending £30 on a 'Incredible Hulk Action figure' 
that does the same thing as my 
Absolutely nothing.

Still Aspiring


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