Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Hello Large Black man

Somethings not right. 
Somethings actually terribly wrong. 
London Town is getting crazier and crazier !!

I've just returned from 'The Ends' and for all you ignorant types,
I've returned without a gunshot, a stab-wound and any life threatening injuries.

Any who I went for two days.. just a quick trip with the family...
On our way to our hotel, we stopped at a traffic light... we must have been waiting there for about 2 minutes when I turned to the left to look at the bus in the lane next to us... 
And there sat the BIGGEST BLACK DUDE I have seen in a while...

Jheeeeez just the sheer size of him made my life flash before my eyes
He was good looking and and nicely dressed
(yes I took all that in in the 5 seconds I stared at him) 
but what possessed man to be staring into my car at me.
Any-who it got me thinking about that AWKWARD moment 
when you look over at a traffic light into another persons car...
It's OK if they're not looking back, but if you make eye contact .... 
ooooof that tense silence where you both sit there 
trying to keep your eye-line away from each other ....
....painful.... !

Still Aspiring

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