Saturday, 9 January 2010

Snow Dayyyy

This weather aye ... 
The first day of snow lots of ''Man Dem''
(please excuse that phrase)

had a organised snowball fight in the park.
I'm talking the whole park on lock down, ambushing the pedestrians that dare to pass through. 
Twas far too enjoyable for words. 

Yes that is me in the back with the humongous snowball.

So for the past couple of days I haven't left the house. 
I cannot take more than two full days indoors before I start to crack up.
I resorted to attempting to ..
..wait for it..
Sled in the street on a cardboard box.
I talking Jam,
at 10 o'clock at night, 
in the middle of the street, 
running and sliding a couple of inches.


It's all about I have eaten everything I could think of, out of sheer boredom.
Then I did some sit-ups to work that food off, 
then I drank a cup of water to
quench my thirst from the 'hardcore workout'

Do you feel my pain ?

I went out last night, it was so refreshing, 
and to my relief I have not fallen on the iced-over pavements ...

Still Aspiring

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