Monday, 30 August 2010

Morocco. Ode de Catpiss

So I'm currently writing this in my hotel lobby, which though decorated nicely has filled 
my lungs with a certain stench from the dodgy sewage pipes in the surrounding area. 

I'm in Morocco 
on my 3rd holiday of the summer, 
and it's 50o and I STILL have on trainers with my summer dress. 
That whole toe-pon-show business just isn't really me..
I've always wondered what about summer gives grown 
folk the right to expose their crusty feet and 11 toes .. Yes 11 toes ..
I can't even begin to describe the foot horrors I've witnessed this past week.. 
I'm mentally scarred with very vivid images in my brain.

 *This guy had 11 toes, you can imagine my face when I realized* 
Back to the point, 
Morocco's been lovely except for the fact that I'm convinced that my 5* hotel is in fact a 3* hotel.
Though the place is decorated nicely with expensive chandeliers and the works, 
the service leaves much to be desired .. 
So my costly earrings went missing for a couple of days,
then my mum complained and they mysteriously turned up behind the fridge in my room ?!? 
My mother was this close 
(very close)
to breaking out her platinum Hilton membership card, 
and explaining to the staff what 5* service is actually like ..... 
I mean maids in these 3rd world countries seem to have the idea 
that guests should be grateful that they're cleaning your room. 
Asif they don't get paid for doing their job. 
Anywho, it didn't put a dampener on my holiday, 
neither did the pervey men who insisted on singing Justin Beiber to me,
yanno as you do...
''Baby Baby Baby ooooooh''
is probably the most original line I've ever received in my life...

And this country has a foul smell.. 
Not everywhere, but you'll be walking along the street and a 
smell I can only label as 'Ode de Catpiss' hits you like a brick wall...
So every time we happened to be blessed with that wonderful smell,
I kindly declared to my little siblings
''Fill your lungs with that gorgeous fruity exotic scent kids'' 
For my own personal enjoyment of course.

Still Aspiring

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