Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Quite recently ..
I had a random flashback of my gran's EX-manfriend.
Don't aww or pull any faces, he hasn't died or anything ..yet.

 It got me thinking of Jhericurls .. yes he had one of those sweaty head hair don'ts.http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:p2oZcQNJjjsyaM:http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t31/finessemitchell/JheriCurl.jpg
* By the way this isn't him *
I'm quite positive that they're the reason plastic chair covers were created ..
to stop all that curl activator (jhericurl juice) dripping on everyones dodgy patterned sofa
... .. .. Gosh the 80's were TRAGIC .. .. ..
and I thought we 90's children were bad with our clogs and peddlepushers ..
Yes I am guilty on both counts of fashion CRIME.


Mine looked like these, they were from GAP and
I don't understand why my mother brought them for me.
2890649750_bf759075cb.jpg 80s and 90s Fashion image by faa-shion 

Still Aspiring

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