Monday, 7 December 2009

Teen drinking is very bad


Alcohol changes people.

I was out with my friends on Friday night,
and it was like being with a bunch of people I never knew.
The thing was they were all themselves ..
but they acted as if they were taking the piss
.. they weren't taking the piss they were just piss'ED.

Completely gone.

I've realised that there are many types of drunks.

There's the emotional drunks ...

the ones who scream 'I love you' every 3 minutes
and give you more kisses than you've ever gotten on one night.
The emotional drunks can get quite annoying,
especially when it's some random 6ft 2 man in juicy couture pants,
hugging you from the rear every now and again.

Then there is the swearers ...
Yanno the type that swear every other word and get all angry and
rilled up, about the fact that the DJ has just put on JLS,
and now he wants to ''smash his 'ed in''.

The hypos ....
Who don't seem to stop talking, or dancing like they
have a itch in a personal place and don't want to
be bait and scratch it with everyone looking.

The sleeper ....
Who need to catch five once that liquor hits their system.
This is basically half of my family aged 50 - 90.

The gossiper ...
Everyone knows one of these.
Yanno, the person who lets all the secrets go once drunk.
Talking about who was born out of wedlock,
and telling randomers where the family will is hidden.

Aww I'm so glad I was well and truly sober.
As the madness that went on was crazy for me to handle sober,
let alone drunk and unaware of my actions.
(8)Teen drinking is very bad ...
... Yo but I got a fake ID though (8)

Still Aspiring

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