Thursday, 9 December 2010

1AM Thoughts.

TV is becoming more and more entertaining everyday, 
yet full of crap every second.
As I a sit here contemplating my sanity, at 1am in the morning,
I have come to realize that the world is strange strange place when I'm
suddenly able to relate to the outspoken Irish dude with the Jewfro in Misfits.
Apart from us sharing the same hair, 
his ability to say the most politically incorrect things
without thinking twice is a skill I hope to one day achieve.

I'm always watching television thinking 
''Imagine how sick that would be if it was my actual life!'' 
though I don't generally tend to have that thought whilst watching a
episode of CSI or Criminal Minds where some girl gets kidnapped and murdered.

C'mon, everyones had that moment where they've stopped 
during some sort of situation and looked around to all their friends and 
exclaimed ''This is like something out a film'' .. 

(This is that silent moment where everyone reads their screen 
like 'erm nope' never done that, so I'm just gonna sit here in my 
virtual pool of shame and bask in the ambiance of my internal embarrassment)
(Now I sound like I've got some sort of bowel disease)

.  .  .  .  .

However, I've recently been noticing my sudden habit of saying 
my thoughts out loud...Now this is not me 
'Saying what I think'
.... No ....
This is me no longer thinking in private, instead I voice my
thoughts for all to hear completely unintentionally.
Not a problem at all, yanno, unless your thoughts like mine,
are often completely inappropriate for the current situation,
or are so creative and experimental that they make no
sense to anyone but yourself.
The worst thing is I speak before I can stop my mouth, 
and by then it's usually to late.
Still Aspiring

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