Ladies, we're in the day and age when beauty is made to be the
most important thing in life. These days weaves can look so real that
you're left wondering if your own family member has suddenly
(within a week) grown a floor length blond head of hair.
Padded push up bras ....

Bum pads......

Coloured contacts ....

Tan in a can ......

Extensions .....
and Amazing makeup.....
all contribute to an false image that some people don't even empty the bins without.
Now Guys,
the next time you decide to chat to a girl on a night out try and imagine
what she would look like without all the magical products.
Minus all the cosmetics,
she's probably a flat chested,
man pecks, no backoff girl ...
With a face full of red spots that resemble craters in the moon,
nails looking like she ate them for dinner,
and a head (of something not quite identifiable) that has been
dragged through a bush backwards.
So once that skin shimmer has washed off,
and she no longer has that amazing glow,
you're gonna wonder how drunk you were that night !
Remember you vow to love her throughout sickness and health,
makeup-less and bad hair days,
whether she tricked you or not ..
Lets be honest, guys complain about girls not being 100% natural,
but are they actually sure they want 100% natural.
Still Aspiring
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